Friday, August 17, 2012

Hard Times! Finding gifts...

One common thing I hear from my friends is that they have the hardest time finding gifts for the parents' anniversaries. Many of our parents are on their 25th or 30th anniversary so they have already received many different gifts and are at the point in their lives when they have pretty much everything that they want or need. It is nice to give them an anniversary gift personalized that will show how much you care. Since I heard about Engrave-a-Remembrance I have been suggesting that my friends get their parents and bottle of champagne and a set of toasting glasses for an anniversary gift personalized. Engrave-a-Remembrance allows you to personalize the champagne bottle with a special message. You can congratulate them on their many years together and wish them many more wonderful years. You can choose premium champagne like Dom Perignon Champagne to have engraved. Your parents will be able to enjoy the delicious Dom Perignon Champagne to celebrate and they will have the bottle to help them remember the special occasion. If you give them a set of toasting glasses they will get decades of use out of the glasses for celebrating other special days in their lives. The personalized champagne bottles and toasting glasses are great birthday ideas also, along with retirements, engagements, and weddings. These are special occasions that deserve to be celebrated with premium champagne and a gift that will be remembered for years. Engrave-a-Remembrance allows you to give a gift that really shows the recipient you are happy for them and wish them the best in the future.

Perfect Gift for My Best Friend!

I have a couple friends that I have been very close with since my childhood. We have exchanged birthday gifts for years and it is getting more and more challenging to think of great birthday ideas. I like to get something that is personal and show that I really value our relationship and know their personalities well. The personalized toasting glasses and champagne bottles from Engrave-a-Remembrance are perfect gift for my best friends. With Engrave-a-Remembrance, I can select a bottle of premium champagne like Dom Perignon champagne and have it engraved with a special message to wish my friend and happy birthday. The toasting glasses can be personalized as well with initials or a date. I know we will have a great time popping open the champagne and reminiscing about all the fun we have had over the years and the many great years ahead of us. In addition to great birthday ideas, champagne and toasting glasses also are great for anniversary gifts personalized. Many of my friends are coming up on their first anniversary and I like to get them something special to mark the occasion. With a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne engraved with a special message, they will have a memento they can keep to remember the special day. The personalized toasting glasses and champagne bottles from Engrave-a-Remembrance are wonderful gifts for many other occasions as well such as weddings, retirements, and engagements. The recipients will have something to help them remember the day and they will be able to use the toasting glasses for years to come.

Transition into True Adulthood...

I am at the age when a lot of my friends are turning thirty. Thirty tends to be a momentous age that is considered a transition into true adulthood. Some of my friends are dreading it, while others are excited for the next stages of life. One way to mark the occasion and to cheer up those who aren't looking forward to thirty is to get a bottle of Dom Perignon Champagne from Engrave-a-Remembrance that has a special birthday message on it.
 Great birthday ideas are not easy to come by but a set of toasting glasses and Dom Perignon Champagne will be perfect for my friends that are turning thirty. I can put a message on the bottle that is meaningful for our relationship and they will be able to keep the bottle as a memento. We can toast to the many good years ahead of us while we enjoy the champagne. The personalized toasting glasses are perfect because they can be used for the many celebrations that are ahead of us. There is nothing like toasting a special occasion with premium champagne.
Many of my friends also got married recently and the champagne and toasting glasses from Engrave-a-Remembrance are perfect anniversary gifts personalized. I can get them engraved with a message about their anniversary and wish them many more wonderful years together. This is a truly special gift that is perfect when I am having trouble thinking of great birthday gift ideas. It is a wonderful way to celebrate and also gives the recipient something unique to help them remember the special occasion.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It’s Summer and It’s Wedding Season!

It’s summer and it’s wedding season! You may be invited to a few wedding in the next few months already. Or, you may be carefully watching young couples in your family and anticipating an upcoming nuptial. Whatever your situation, it’s great to be prepared with gift ideas. This way you don’t have to stress at the last minute trying to come up with something individual and meaningful for the couple.

How do you stand out from the crowd when it comes to giving a wedding gift? You make it personalized! Wedding personalized gifts can add just the right feel and touch to a wedding. You will avoid purchasing repeated gifts like an extra blender or set of dishes, and you provide something that will be usable no matter when the couple uses it. This wedding personalized gift we’re referring to here is a champagne gift! You can personalize the champagne bottle and get a couple of matching glasses so that the couple can enjoy the champagne at any time, always remembering the warmth of your personal words, the heart-felt sentiments as they drink.

Champagne is a gift that you can give no matter how many other people give it, because most recipients always enjoy it and can save it for whenever they would like. When you give something like this, you encourage the couple to relax, open up, enjoy themselves, and have fun. You commemorate their new family, and you look forward to their future together, all in the name of good champagne.

Relax and Take Your Long-Earned Rest...

Retirement is one of the greatest milestones in a person’s life, especially when they’ve spent years at a job, or have been planning their retirement for a long time. Finally, after putting in a lot of hard work, the individual is able to relax and take their long-earned rest. There’s nothing better than a retirement party to celebrate this new phase of life for the person. But, often people are left wondering “what do I buy this person for a retirement party gift?” You want the gift to be meaningful, yet the event isn’t something that merits new household items or anything in particular. You want it to be fun and motivating as well.

If you think about it, a great retirement party gift would be an engraved champagne gift. You can express your sincere sentiments for the person, which adds meaning to the gift, but you can also present something fun and light-hearted—champagne! When you also give a champagne gift, you open the opportunity to commemorate the individual and the event publically, with a toast. There’s nothing better than letting that individual know publically how proud of them you are, and how much you respect the life’s work they’ve put in through the years.

Champagne engraved gifts are also great birthday ideas, in addition to retirement gifts. That’s because a retirement and a birthday are somewhat similar. They are a part of everyone’s life, they are meaningful, yet they are meant to be taken with lightheartedness and excitement. Champagne is the perfect compliment for this.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Plan Something Special For Your Parents!

Are your parents having a wedding anniversary coming up soon? Is it a marker year, too, such as their 25th wedding anniversary gifts? Maybe even their 50th wedding anniversary? If so, you’ll want to make sure you plan something special for them! This blog will give you a few ideas about gifts for married couples.

First of all, as the children of the married couple, you’ll want to acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you’re only alive because they got married and had kids! Your life, furthermore, has been influenced by them and you’ve learned a great deal from their tendencies and the ways in which they react to certain circumstances. Their dynamic has made you who you are, and hopefully it’s something to be thankful for! So, think about some of the cool gifts you could give them to help them know you appreciate them and are happy that they are married as your parents. Dom Perignon champagne is one of these cool gifts, a classic choice that will continue to please them year after year, especially if you give it to them as a gift set. They’ll be able to use the glasses each year and can buy a new bottle of Dom Perignon champagne when it runs out, as the champagne becomes “their bottle,” which they use to remember and celebrate! You would have started a tradition for them.

Other great gift ideas include less obvious gifts, such as writing them letters of gratitude and specifically pointing out the different ways that they have made you who you are, and how you like that. You can write them out ideas of couple-strengthening activities or different ways to rejuvenate themselves. These are the gifts that they will really appreciate and remember.

Revitalize Your Relationship...

Wedding anniversaries are very special occasions. But how do you approach certain marker years as a gift-giver? How does a 25th wedding anniversary differ from a 50th wedding anniversary gift, for example? One thing is certain—champagne gifts, such as the palatable Dom Perignon champagne, never really get old, and they are appropriate for any year that the married couple is celebrating. Beyond this, however, there might be some considerations you’ll want to address when buying for a 25th year anniversary and a 50th.

Say that the couple got married when they were between 25 and 35, as is relatively common in modern American culture. After 25 years, the husband and wife will probably be about 50 or 60 years old. This means they’re still vital, and they’re really growing into each other by now. They are mature and have set ways of doing things together, most likely. Maybe with this in mind, you could send them on an exotic, active vacation, such as hiking at Maccu Piccu in South America—or even just to the Appalachian Mountains in the U.S. ! They will have an exciting, “team building” and very impressive experience to talk about and remember for years and years to come, likely revitalizing their relationship before then enter into their older years.

For the 50th, however, the couple will be about 75 or 85 years old. They are in their Golden Years, slowing down, and very comfortable with each other. Physically, they may prefer less intense activities. But you can still encourage them to share a glass of Dom Perignon champagne together, as they slowly stroll around a seaside town and stay at a bed and breakfast that you’ve arranged. The ideas are limitless. You really just have to observe the couple and does what you think would turn them on together!